
Live IIL Webinar – September 7, 2011 12:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT
Duration: 1 hour Credits: 1 PDU Cat A $10.95 USD
Presented by : IIL (Rep 1003) – Course No: MP0012

You will need to register with IIL and sign into the site to register for this opportunity. This session may fill up quickly so sign up today.

Use Microsoft Project 2010 to track and report on projects more effectively. Learn best practices for collecting the data, preparing the views, setting the appropriate options, updating the tasks and evaluating the schedule.

Use the new Timeline View to get a clearer view of tasks, milestones and phases. Timelines make it easy to see and share key dates and deadlines – simply copy a timeline into Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or Outlook to communicate effectively.

Publish your project plans to Microsoft SharePoint® Foundation 2010 so team members can update task status. Automatic synchronization enables you to receive updates directly in your project plan to track changes more effectively. Display project variances and evaluate differences with the Compare Projects functionality and learn how to quickly report project data in Excel and Visio using Visual Reports. Find out how easy it is to manipulate Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts in the Visual Reports and enhance team collaboration by sharing information more efficiently.

In this webinar, you will learn how to optimize the way you track and report on projects. Learn best practices for collecting data, preparing views, setting appropriate options, updating tasks and evaluating the schedule using Project 2010. Display project variances and evaluate differences with the Compare Projects functionality and learn how to quickly report project data in Excel and Visio using Visual Reports. Easily synchronize your project task list to SharePoint 2010 and quickly share it with your team.

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Use the Intuitive Timeline View
  • Synchronize to a SharePoint Foundation 2010 task list
  • Manipulate Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
  • Track and report using Standard and Visual Reports
  • Save to XPS or PDF

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