
Project Manager Fun – Portrays Valuable Project Management Lessons
Duration: 4 min 14 sec Credits: Does not Qualify For PDUs

As summer is coming to a close and projects are ramping up again – enjoy this bit of Project Manager Humor With Dilbert.

What Project Management Lessons do you see?

Why Projects Fail – Working With Stakeholders
As Experienced by Dilbert

Dilbert is written by Scott Adams
Please visit The Official Dilbert site

Although I do not officially know Scott Adams I have joked for years about the similarities between the comic strip story lines and the positions/projects I have been a part of.

Scott Adams simply knows the life of a Project Manager
and what life is like with “Problem Leadership”

I founded pduOTD to help Managers and Stakeholders with their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – so they might learn supportive techniques to work with their teams.

This increases productivity in a positive way.

Thank you Scott for ALWAYS making me smile
Before I was following my passion,
When I was working for Pointy Hair’d Bosses!