
In this article we will walk through the process of creating a Personal Self Directed Learning ( SDL PDU ) Plan.

Under PMI’s® new guidelines the limit on Category C SDL PDUs has increased to a maximum of 30 PDUs in a 3 Year Cycle (half of the 60 needed for recertification). One hour of Self Directed Learning is worth 1 PDU.

How Can A Mind Map Be Used As A PRIMER for Self Directed Learning?

To learn more about Mind Maps click here to find out what a Mind Map is and how they can be useful.

Mind maps are an excellent tool to assist you in earning Category C PDUs for any topic. This example uses Mind Maps to create a straw model (example) of a PDU Learning Primer© to explore leadership qualities.

In order to plan and record self directed learning with PMI® as a PDU opportunity you need to review these 3 questions:

  • What am I going to learn…..? With PMI® it is necessary to have a topic that relates to Project Management.
    • Choose your topic – Phrase it as a Smart Goal
    • What Knowledge Areas or KPAs in the PMBOK® does the topic refer to?
    • Are there specific sections of the PMBOK® that the topic references?
    • An excellent cross reference tool is the Project Management Matrix (click here) by This is a great tool and is available as an app on many different mobile platforms.
    • This information will be needed to record the information in CCRS.
  • How am I going to learn about…? In this case the question represents what resources and methods will be used to learn about this topic.
    • Find terrific resources to explore!
    • For PMI® subject matter resources and experts should be documented in your PMI® audit folder (every PMP should have one). Document the information and its location used to explore the subject.
    • NOW LEARN!
    • Keep track of your time
  • How am I going to demonstrate my learning about …….?
    • Can you talk more intelligently about the subject….great …. but ensure that for your audit folder you have something a bit more substantial.
    • Write down a few sentences that has relevance to the learning or answer some questions that you discovered in the learning process.
    • Focus comments on how the learning relates to a project you have done or about how you might have try a different technique to get better results. In other words relate this learning to your practice!

LETS BEGIN! – Leadership Qualities

Lets learn about 8 qualities of leadership. Human Resources and soft skills are a very important part of project management.

Create a Smart Goal Writing a Smart Goal – Here is our example.

Specific I will be able to define the 8 Leadership Qualities
Measurable Given the mind map of the 8 Leadership Qualities
Attainable Using resources from and other Internet resources
Relevant And develop 2 actions I can take with my direct reports to enhance my leadership
Time-based Within one month of starting my Self Directed Learning Leadership Primer©.

Lets look at a “Leadership Qualities Mind Map” on ILLUMINES site

& Eight Leadership Qualities.

A leadership map can serve as a tool for exploring the Qualities of Leadership by providing a structure for exploring the vast wealth of Leadership material on the Internet.

For each of the Leadership Qualities, to help you start your personal Leadership PDU Primer© I will suggest a few resources from and elsewhere.

Use our resources or choose your own.

Finishing Up ….

Don’t Forget to document how you met your Smart Goal for your PMI® Audit Folder.

This Learning Plan Qualifies for up to

19 Category C PDUs and 3 Category A PDUs.

Please leave comments on this article to share information with others on the resources and information you discovered and found useful when you explored this subject. Thank You.