
Click here for our article
on Self Directed Learning ( SDL )
Category C & Setting up a PDU Plan

Category 2 SDL is no longer used.

On March 1st, 2011 PMI changed the PDU Categories. Category 2-SDL became Category C. Overall, the number of categories changed from 18 down to 6. Category limits were changed.

The article below is our original article on Category 2 (now C) SDL. It still contains useful information for earning PDUs towards your certification.

Don’t miss opportunities to earn PDUs to fulfill the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Program. Make the most of time spent waiting in airports, riding the train and on long road trips by reading a book or viewing a DVD that is relevant to project management. These are just a few examples of Category 2 (now C) Self-Directed Learning (2-SDL) activities that can earn you up to 15 PDUs during each active certification/CCR cycle.

Category 2 (now C) SDL PDUs are categorized by PMI as individualized learning activities involving personally conducted research or study. To qualify for credit under Category 2 (now C) SDL, an activity must:

  • Be relevant to project management
  • Meet a specified purpose / Have a specific PM learning objective
  • Use knowledgeable resources.

Other activities that qualify for Category 2 (now C) SDL PDUs include discussions or coaching sessions with subject matter experts and studying print or electronic materials (articles, CD-ROMs, instructional manuals, etc). The resources used for self-directed learning must be identified when reporting PDUs.

For more information on PDU reporting categories and guidelines, refer to theContinuing Certifications Requirements (CCR) handbook.

As a Category 2 SDL activity (later changed to Category C) ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click here for the original PMP Passport article