
Live Webinar – Wednesday January 26, 2:00-3:00 PM EST
This webinar is offered by IAG Consulting (REP 2858)
1 Cat 3 Free

Great requirements practices put teeth into contracts for system development and integration and ensure a more successful relationship with your vendor. Not only can excellent requirements dramatically compress the time needed to get systems into production, these best practices are about defining and managing business outcome – without also dictating solution. This means opening options for fair competition while procuring solutions that are tightly scoped and less subject to cost overruns. This session will answer the following questions:

  • What is the impact of requirements quality on project outcome?
  • How can business requirements be made effective for controlling outcome-based contracts?
  • How do you contract for great requirements on projects?
  • What do you need to consider in measuring RFP responses?

Click here to register for this opportunity.