
Live Webinar – Wednesday March 2, 1:00 PM EST
Presented by: SD Times (Software Development Times)
Sponsored by: Urban Code, Perforce Software & ALDON

One challenge with enterprise software development is deciding when to design. Design too early and you risk having design decisions invalidated by the time you need to use them. Design too late and functional progress slows. One strategy for finding a happy medium is to make designs concrete in the code right around the time you first need them – and one leading methodology that uses this approach is Test-Driven Development (TDD).

We invite you to a Virtual Conference, presented by leading agilist Kent Beck (LinkedIn profile, Wikipedia) with Mark Seemann and moderated by Alan Zeichick (LinkedIn profile), editorial director of SD Times, focusing on Test-Driven Development.

I am really looking forward to hearing the insights offered by Kent, based on over 10 years of doing Test-Driven Development. This is a keynote presentation and a ‘must-see.’

I started seeing Kent Beck’s writings in 1999 on the Portland Pattern Repository, which became the WikiWikiWeb – the original wiki.

Kent was involved in several leading edge developments, including software patterns, test-first programming, JUnit and the xUnit family of unit testing tools and Extreme Programming.

Kent was one of the original 17 signatories on the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. This Manifesto was a major influence for the projects I managed and the software development teams I lead.

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In this 2.5-hour virtual conference – offered at no charge by the editors of SD Times — you will learn all about the fundamentals of TDD, as well as learn about practical ways to either adopt TDD, or to incorporate some TDD best practices into your own hybrid methodology.

You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of TDD, as Kent discusses its costs, benefits, and risks. You’ll also have a roadmap for experimenting with and apply TDD.

Click here and select the
Leaders of Agile: Practical Agile with Test-Driven Development link
Register today as seats are limited.

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