
Live Webinar – July 20, 12:00-1:00 PM EDT
Offered by ASPE (REP 2161) 1 Category A PDU Free
This is a 1 hour seminar and attendees will be awarded 1 PDU for participating

Many businesses today are flocking to social media without understanding why or how they’ll be successful. This has led to a high degree of skepticism and a general hesitancy to implement social campaigns for many companies. Many of them tinker with social media for a short period of time, but abandon it because they fail to see immediate return.

The problem is not with social media as a channel, but with its utilization and integration with the rest of your business efforts. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…the social network of your choice, it doesn’t matter, the key to success is making your business and culture more social.

Are you wondering why you should consider social media? Are you feeling like your marketing is getting left behind?

Are you new to social media, and not seeing the return you were looking for?

Presenters: Chris Moody & JT Moore (LinkedIn profile), Director of Marketing

Click to register for Why Your Business Should Be More Social