
Live Webinar – July 21, 12:00-1:00 PM EDT
Offered by ASPE (REP 2161) 1 Category A PDU Free
This is a 1 hour seminar and attendees will be awarded 1 PDU for participating

Pair programming, or even more generally pairing, is often misunderstood and rejected without consideration or understanding of the immense benefits it brings to a team and organization.

Management will often react with “Why am I paying for two resources to do the work of one?” We will discuss how to address management and individual resistance to pairing by discussing the immense benefits pairing can bring to an Agile team.

If your team is suffering from resources constraints, limited domain knowledge, low productivity, or simply completing your stories within the Iteration, don’t miss this web seminar.

We will discuss how this works for developers, testers, business analysts, and more. We’ll discuss how pairing can help to solve this impediments and get your team and project on track.


Andy Painter (LinkedIn profile) has over 15 years of professional software development experience. Andy has coached individual agile teams and actively involved in large-scale Agile Enterprise transformations. He has a unique ability to work at a very detailed level, coaching project teams while still communicating effectively and building trust with senior executives.

Andy has experience with XP techniques and practices, such as Test Driven Development, Continuous Integration and Pair Programming. With over two years of Agile Implementation, Coaching and Training experience, he has worked with agile teams of varying size and maturity, from Fortune 50 to startup. Andy is currently a Certified Scrum Master

Click to register for Agile Paired Programming