
Live Webinar August 10 2011 – 2:00 pm EDT
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C Free
Presented by Citrix Online

Learn how you can dramatically increase your own success by focusing on the happiness of your customers and employees.

When you judge every move by its effect on the bottom line, you’re sure to miss out on opportunities that could take your business to the next level. Many companies that start by focusing on customers and employees are experiencing breakthrough success.

Join this live webinar to hear Jenn Lim (LinkedIn profile), CEO & Chief Happiness Officer of Delivering Happiness, share how built an enduring and successful brand by spreading happiness through customer service and company culture.

Earn up to an additional 10 Category C PDUs by reading Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh’s book Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose (253 pages). Learn how positivity and engagement can drive success.


Jenn Lim, CEO & Chief Happiness Officer, Delivering Happiness
James Hilliard, BNET

Attend this webinar to learn:

  • Why customer service is the responsibility of the entire company, not just a department
  • Why businesses should focus on company culture as the #1 priority
  • How to apply research from the science of happiness to running a business
    * And more…

*Bonus! 50 lucky webinar attendees will receive a free copy of Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose, written by Tony Hsieh (LinkedIn profile), CEO of

PDU Category C documentation details:

Process Groups: Initiating Executing

Knowledge Areas: 10 – Communications

  • 10.1 Identify Stakeholders
  • 10.4 Manage Stakeholder Expectations

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for Delivering Happiness