
Live Webinar – August 18 , 2011 1:00 -2:00 PM EDT
Presenter: Journyx Inc.
Duration: 1 Hour 1 CAT B FREE

In light of the amount of research indicating the overall positive effect that PMOs have in a wide variety of organizations it can come as a surprise when you see your PMO failing to perform up to expectation. Numerous organizations see their fledgling PMOs struggle to make any financial impact on their operations. In fact, Gartner estimates that PMOs have a failure rate of nearly 50% during their first implementation.

Our experience shows that many PMOs are disbanded every 4-8 years and reconstituted in a different manner. We go over two ways this can happen and what you can do about it.

Most organizations have difficulties implementing a PMO that works within their culture. How does one reconcile this large rate of failure with the benefits that are repeatedly espoused by study after study arguing for the necessity of a PMO in most modern organization? And more importantly, how do you guarantee that your PMO will increase project success rate and guarantee a positive ROI?

By identifying common failure points amongst PMOs it is possible to define and solve problems before they present a major issue for a company.

Attendees will walk away with the ability to:

  • Identify & solve the most common problem scenarios
  • Quantify the real value of a PMO
  • Clearly articulate the long-term financial benefits of a PMO
  • Implement cost-cutting metrics to all projects in order to validate the PMO’s existence


Click to register for How to Financially Justify the PMO (and improve it’s efficiency!)