
Live Webinar – September 8th, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EST
Offered by MPUG WebnLearn UK ( REP 1369 )
Duration 1 hour + Q & A 1 PDU / 1 CDU
Mpug Member FreeGuest $15.00 USD + $1.36 USD Fee

Agile project management methodologies (such as Scrum, Extreme Programming and others) are based on process-centric and iterative development rather than a traditional waterfall approach.

Some of the key characteristics of an agile project include a living backlog, burn-down charts, frequent communication, and short-cycle delivery of project outputs that don’t typically lend themselves to traditional MS Project scheduling techniques.

In this edition of Project Talk, MPUG will show you the techniques and tips on how to use MS Project to effectively manage projects in the new frontier of Agile Project Management!

Project Talk is an interactive ‘radio show’ and web-session with real-time demonstrations of common project management and scheduling issues and how to address them using Microsoft Project and other tools. If you’d like to participate in the show, ask a question or offer a comment, simply type it into the Q&A Tool, then raise your hand using the ‘raise your hand’ tool, and un-mute your microphone so you can join the conversation!

Note: Anyone who participates live on the show will receive a stylish MPUG T-Shirt or other great prize!

Click to register for the MPUG WebnLearn: Project Talk: “Who Say’s You Can’t Do Agile?” Agile Project Management Using Microsoft Project