
Online Webinar
Duration: 1 hour webinar Credits: 1 PDU Category A $5 USD
Presented by: Solutions Cube Group (REP 2451)

As with many things in life, all projects are subject to uncertainty, however all uncertainty is not the same as “risk”. Project Risks can be “threats” to be minimized as well as “opportunities” to be exploited. Effective Project Risk Management recognizes both types of risks and is the key contributor to “project success”.

Solutions Cube Group webinars address many relevant project issues. Join them in this 1 hour overview Webinar “Minimizing Project Threats and Exploiting Project Opportunities” as we explore techniques for differentiating between risk and uncertainty and understanding the value of looking at Project Risk from both the Threat perspective and the Opportunity perspective.

Topics presented include techniques on conducting Risk Management activities to collaboratively build a Risk Register including: identifying risks using a Risk Meta-Language, Assessing Risks with qualitative techniques and understanding the differences between Risk Threat responses and Risk Opportunity responses.

In this 1 hour recorded Webinar, participants learn:

  • The difference between Project Risk and Uncertainty
  • How to use Risk Meta Language to identify project risk
  • How to use Qualitative Techniques to assess project risk
  • Techniques to define responses to “minimize” Risk Threats and “exploit” Risk Opportunities

EARN 1 PDU after viewing this webinar

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