

Learn On The Go with PDUs2GO

Presented by: PDUs2go (Rep 1637)
PDUs: 1 Category A PDU Just 37.00 USD PDU

As PMs we ensure that we complete all of our client tasks but often neglect ourselves in the process.

Take Dr. Drew Stevens, Course
Top Hiring Trends for Project Managers in 2012
Just $37.00 for 1 Category A PDU

The devastating impact of the recession is hopefully nearing the end and as it does, changes begin to take precedent.

During every recessionary period there are changes in politics, economics, technology and even demographics. Yet many do not often speak of the changes in talent. Yes, with the numerous organizations now needing people to drive new production numbers and those “survivors” seemingly desirous to take a leap there will be many changes in the year 2012.

Many organizations have learned the hard way not to be tactical. The trends coming in the year ahead will require organizations to become more strategic and deliberate in the manner in which they maintain talent.

Organizations must come to realize that talent is an asset NOT a liability on the balance sheet and when treated correctly, the talented people are the linchpin to organizational success. Discover the top trends that firms will look for in 2012 and how you can position yourself for success!

This series presents an amazing opportunity to develop the personal skills that will allow you to grow as a project manager.

Presenter: Drew Stevens, PhD As President of Stevens Consulting Group and renowned author, consultant and sales expert he literally wrote the book on improving business skills. Dr. Drew is the author of six books including Pump Up Your Productivity and Ultimate Business Bible that have helped thousands of frustrated managers, and entrepreneurs improve their skills and gain dramatic results.

Click purchase Top Hiring Trends for Project Managers in 2012