
Online Webinar – Recorded Mar 30 2011
Offered by: Global Knowledge UK (REP 1999 Activity #: WBNR0053 )
Duration: 1 hour 1 PDU / 1 CDU Credits: 1 PDU Category A – Free PDU

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I was very impressed with Alan’s session. If you are looking for a comprehensive session on how agile methods could work for your project this is the session to watch! – EdmontonPM

Learn what makes agile … agile :

  1. Learning and Adaptation
  2. Collaboration
  3. Customer Focus
  4. Small Self Directing Teams
  5. Lean Principles
  6. Technical Excellence
  7. Progressive Requirements Elaboration
  8. Iterative Planning and Adaption

Chaotic business environments seem to be the new normal. With economic pressures and growing customer demands and expectations, the idea that you can plan a months-long (or years-long) project and then just execute it seems quaint.

Reality impinges on our best-laid plans.

Traditional methods are not tolerant of the unpredictability with which we now live. They assume stability, and expend great effort trying to avoid or minimize the effects of change. When change cannot be avoided, traditional approaches incur stiff penalties in the form of rework and realignment. What we need is a methodology that will allow us to embrace change so we can adapt to the surprises that are now so much a part of business.

The Agile methods provide just the flexibility that we need. They are designed to allow for changes and to minimize the impact when change happens. Agility is no longer a fringe approach to projects. It is becoming “mainstream” precisely because it helps us to achieve project success in spite of the chaos around us.

Alan will look at how the Agile methods can help us to cope with:

  • Morphing business needs
  • Shifting requirement priorities
  • Rearranged project priorities
  • Resource reallocation
  • Time-line compression

Presenter : Alan S. Koch, PMP, CSM, ITIL (LinkedIn profile) Alan has more than 30 years IT experience, Author of Agile Software Development Evaluating the Methods for Your Organization, Alan’s education and training are extensive and he is affiliated with numerous industry-leading organizations, including the Agile and Scrum Alliances.

Click to register and view Agile: The Method for Today’s Chaotic Environments