
Live Webinar – Jan 8th, 2014 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Offered by IAG Consulting (REP 2858)
Duration 1 hour 1 PDU or 1 CDU 1 Category A – Free PDU

Enterprise Business Architecture is Quickly Evolving
Into a Mainstream Business Capability

Learning Objectives:

  1. Provide clear, rational reasons to do business Architecture.
  2. Present a foundational set of Business Architecture Models, views and uses to mitigate project and analysis risk, drive the value proposition
  3. Recommend a staged Execution Model

Some would argue that it is already there particularly when 50% of the world’s top performing organizations have embraced business architecture as a strategic differentiator ranging from Government, Telco’s, Manufacturing and Financial Institutions.

However …. There continues to be a large population of change executives, managers and resources who regard Business Architecture as a theoretical practice.

Strategic change initiatives proliferate in business today. The speed and rate of change demands we maintain holistic oversight of all the moving parts to ensure realization of target operating models and designs. Historically only a few strategic programs would be at play.

In the last decade this number has grown to include on-shoring/off-shoring, centralization, spans of control, business transformation, vendor outsourcing, modernization, mergers/acquisitions, channel optimization, client segmentation, journeys and experience.

To facilitate strategic alignment and execution of these initiatives, firms are investing in business architecture.

Beyond Theory will focus on what are the market and internal forces at work which have been driving and will continue to drive organizations to use the models to better understand business impact, scope, execution and benefits realization.

The discussion will address the deployment and adoption challenges and look at industry standards and Blueprinting for strategic opportunities.

It will provide a foundational knowledge of the business architecture framework and model types to crystalize scope, identify stakeholders, manage risk and how early analysis, through the lens of the business architecture, will influence estimating, resourcing, time, cost and quality.

Business Architecture is the link between
Strategy & Execution.

Click to register for Business Architecture – Beyond Theory