
Live Webinar October 14th, 2014 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C Free
Presented by : O’Reilly Webcasts

It’s hard to dispute that wearable technology is being lauded as the next big thing.

With predictions that the global wearable technology market will attain a value of $5.26 billion in 2014, it’s difficult to ignore all the hype surrounding wearables today.

However, despite the seemingly limitless opportunity of this emergent technology space, new and innovative wearable products and services are in short supply.

Businesses, technologists and designers alike are struggling to make sense of this new and challenging design space.

In this webcast, Lou Rosenfeld and Rachel Hinman discuss what makes creating successful wearable products so difficult and some of the key challenges facing wearable technology today.

They will:

  • Pprovide an overview of the current wearable landscape and outline the four key areas for innovation where designers, businesses and technologists can focus their energies.
  • Discuss some of the emerging technologies poised to be instrumental in enabling this new technology inflection point and …
  • Provide a set of human-centered design heuristics that can be used to guide the design and development of your wearable technology idea.

Presenter: Rachel Hinman author of The Mobile Frontier: A Guide for Designing Mobile Experiences (LinkedIn profile) is a speaker, researcher, designer, and leader in the mobile user experience field. Her passions for cultural study, art, and design, coupled with the belief that people can use technology to improve the human condition, have been the driving forces in her career for more than a decade. Rachel is a senior research scientist at Nokia in Palo Alto, California. There she focuses on R&D of emergent and experimental mobile interfaces and experiences.

Presenter: Lou Rosenfeld (bio) is the author of the best-selling Books Information Architecture for the World Wide Web: Designing Large-Scale Web Sites and Search Analytics for Your Site: Conversations with Your Customers ), Lou is also founder of Rosenfeld Media, co-founder of the annual Information Architecture Summit, and the Information Architecture Institute

Click to register for Our Wearable Future: Opportunities & Challenges for Wearable Technology