
Online Webinar – Recorded February 13th, 2014
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C – Free PDU
Presented by: Decision Management Solutions

Decision management and business rules management systems are the ideal platform for an agile and cost-effective compliance approach.

In regulated industries like financial services, leading companies are building compliance into every process and system with consistency and transparency across the entire organization and with the agility to meet ever more challenging deadlines.

Companies that fail to do so incur huge costs with manual checks and balances and risk significant fines.

In this webinar James Taylor and Jan Purchase (LinkedIn profile) Director and Founder of Investment Banking Specialists Lux Magi, share know-how and best practices from their extensive experience of helping clients implement decision management and business rules management systems to conquer complexity, improve agility, lower costs and measure ongoing effectiveness in financial compliance.

You will learn: 

  1. Why a business rules driven approach is an advantage, but it’s not enough in isolation; decision management is the essential ingredient
  2. An approach to decision modeling that eliminates confusion and inconsistency, even in the face of mounting complexity
  3. How implementing decision models in business rules delivers automated, reliable compliance.

The webinar includes illustrations of how the decision management approach has been applied in compliance projects and a walkthrough of real decision model from one of these.

Presenter:  James Taylor (LinkedIn profile) is the CEO of Decision Management Solutions, and is the leading expert in how to use business rules and analytic technology to build Decision Management Systems. If you are looking for information on decision Management Systems Sign up for his newsletter – Decision Management News. Read his blog: JT on EDM; or Follow him on Twitter: jamet123. James is passionate about using Decision Management Systems to help companies improve decision-making and develop an agile, analytic, and adaptive business. He has more than 20 years working with clients in all sectors to identify their highest-value opportunities for advanced analytics, enabling them to reduce fraud, continually manage and assess risk, and maximize customer value with increased flexibility and speed.

For more great information read James’ books Decision Management Systems: A Practical Guide to Using Business Rules and Predictive Analytics and Why You Need Smart Enough Systems.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:
Process Groups: Planning, Monitoring & Controlling
Knowledge Areas: 7 – Cost

  • 5.2 Collect Requirements
  • 5.3 Define Scope
  • 7.1 Plan Cost Management
  • 7.4 Control Costs

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for Agile & Cost Effective Financial Compliance: Going Beyond Business Rules With Decision Management