
Live Webinar September 30th, 2015 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
Duration: 1 Hour Credits: 1 PDU Category C Free
Presented by : O’Reilly

Why is it that you love writing new code but hate maintaining old code? Over the years, we’ve seen many developers struggle with code that’s almost impossible to change.

Not only does this turn the maintenance of existing systems into a nightmare—it can lead to failed projects for new systems.

If you want your software to be a true example of craftsmanship that can stand the test of time, you have to make sure its code is maintainable from the very beginning of the project.

In this webcast, two expert software analysts share a scientifically founded method to measure the maintainability of code.

With a metrics-based model, they take a firm stand on the controversial topic of what maintainable code actually is.

You’ll learn eight best-practice development guidelines based on those metrics through hands-on code examples from real-world systems.

What you can expect to learn in this webcast:

  • What is maintainable code
  • Why maintainable code is important for sustainable business growth
  • How maintainability can be measured

As  experienced software developers Željko & Rob analyzed hundreds of software systems across many industry domains as a part of SIG’s, Software Improvement Group’s technical analyses of software-intensive systems, translating technical findings into actionable advice for management.

This webcast will show you concrete steps that you and your team can take toward creating maintainable software and the next actionable steps you should be taking.


Željko Obrenović, (LinkedIn profile) Principal Consultant at SIG, is an experienced practitioner, researcher, and educator. as a . Before joining SIG, Željko worked as a consultant at Backbase, an assistant professor at the Technical University in Eindhoven, and as a researcher at CWI in Amsterdam. He is a member of IEEE Software Advisory board and writes regularly about software and interaction design.

Rob van der Leek (LinkedIn profile) MSc Senior Consultant — SIG. Leaving the IT industry a bit better than he found it, Rob joined SIG as a software quality consultant. Combining his technical knowledge on software engineering and software technologies Rob advises clients how to keep their systems in shape. Working at SIG is for Rob the closest thing to being a software doctor where he fulfills a leading role in SIG’s internal development team.

PDU Category C (PMBOK 5) documentation details:
Process Groups: Planning Executing
Knowledge Areas: 4 – Integration 5 – Scope 6 – Time 9 – Human Resources

  • 4.1 Develop Project Charter
  • 4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
  • 5.2 Collect Requirements
  • 5.3 Define Scope
  • 8.1 Plan Quality Management
  • 8.2 Perform Quality Assurance

As a Category C ‘Self Directed Learning Activity’ remember to document your learning experience and its relationship to project management for your ‘PDU Audit Trail Folder’

Click to register for 8 Best Practices: Building Maintainable Software For Sustainable Business Growth