
Live Webinar April 4th, 2019, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider:  StickyMinds/Techwell

Although artificial intelligence is nothing new, applying AI techniques to software testing only really started to become feasible in the past year. But it’s undeniable that it will soon become part of our day-to-day quality engineering process. Before we get caught up in the excitement of the technology, let’s take a step back and assess how AI can help us achieve our quality objectives.

It’s been suggested that AI could be applied to actions such as prioritizing testing and test automation efforts, generating and optimizing test cases, enhancing UX testing, reducing tedious analysis tasks, and decreasing redundancies in test portfolios. However, should AI be applied in these cases? And where else could it assist?


  1. Where AI can deliver the greatest impact to software testing
  2. Whether AI will soon take over software testing
  3. The next steps testers need to take


Ingo Philipp (LinkedIn profile) MS Distinguished Evangelist at Tricentis, champions the methodologies, best practices, and technologies at the core of the company’s Continuous Testing solution. His insights on rethinking software testing and passion for elevating the role of the software tester have made him a sought-after speaker/author across the global software testing community. Previously Ingo worked as a theoretical astrophysicist in the field of high-energy particle physics and computational fluid dynamics at the University of Vienna and the Berlin Institute for Technology.

Stefan Januschke is on the product management team at Tricentis. In this role, his responsibilities range from core automation topics to Artificial Intelligence. He is constantly trying to understand testing needs and what can be changed to make better software with higher quality. Previously, Stefan was an automation architect, delivering services & projects for Fortune 500 customers around the globe.

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AI In Software Testing: Will A Bot Steal Your Spot?

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