
Live Webinar – June 30th 2015, 12:00-1:00 PM EDT
Offered by ASPE (REP 2161) 1 Category A PDU – Free PDU

  • Are you drowning in a sea of software tools data?
  • Do you have reams of test past fail reports, dynamic run time testing defects, Static analysis defects, legacy JIRA backlog items, and customer reported bugs?
  • How do you make sense of all of this data?
  • If you make sense of it all how do you get all of that information to your developers?

DevOps Applied: A strategy to make sense of the proliferation of software data into a refined software development life cycle. Take the information you have, give it to the people who can make decisions about it, and drive better software quality and security.

Join Richard Jenny, (LinkedIn profile) PMP, PE, PMI-ACP veteran Program Manager and DevOps Director of Program Management at Overture Networks and Jeff Hildreth (LinkedIn profile) Territory Account Executive from Rogue Wave Software as they discuss the sources of software data and how they can be applied to the DevOps strategy of continuous improvement.

Inside INFO – Richard Tells Our Readers:

“This Webinar will have a heavy focus on data management with the Klockwork static analysis tool highlighted. I will be adding some color in examples of how we can use mined data to focus on product quality improvement.”

Click to register for Data Overload! DevOps: A Way To Create Order From Chaos