
Live Webinar April 12th, 2018, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider:  StickyMinds/Techwell

To stimulate growth in complex environments, companies continuously seek to improve efficiency and find ways to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.

With more than $1.7 trillion in revenue lost due to software failure in 2017 [World Quality Report], many enterprises have already embraced automation and reduced their manual testing efforts.

To achieve this, they rely on various automation frameworks like Selenium and QMetry Automation Studio, as well as the integration of CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Gitlabs, and Bamboo to deliver the true transformation from manual to agile and then to DevOps.

While many organizations are already using test automation and CI/CD to reduce the time to market, there is still a challenge to get actionable data in real time.

Join Siva Ana to learn how intelligent automation processes aided by AI and machine learning can drive quality and provide guidance on test coverage and traceability.

Learn How To::

  1. Increase the potential of your business with software quality through continuous feedback and prescriptive project improvements
  2. Use the power of software quality to develop trust throughout digital transactions and cultivate customer loyalty
  3. Keep up with the accelerating pace of digital transformations
  4. Leverage processes and tools that will take you to a whole new level of software excellence

Presenter: Siva Ana (LinkedIn profile) Infostretch; has 20+ years of experience developing and managing QA strategies for Fortune 500 companies. Siva has been instrumental in leading strategic enterprise engagements, which have resulted in significant value for clients such as Kaiser Permanente, The Body Shop, and Before joining Infostretch, Siva excelled as a technical project manager for both eBay and Cognizant, and served as a QA/automation strategy consultant for Wells Fargo.

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Use Intelligent Automation
To Increase Software Quality & Business Value

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

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