
Live Webinar August 18th, 2021 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Online or Digital Media 1 PDU – Free
Provider: / Gantthead (REP #2488)
In Cooperation with: London Project Data Analytics Meetup ( profile)

“It’s not as bad as you think – it’s worse.”
Sir James Bevan, Chief Executive, Environment Agency

Climate change will have an impact on all of us. Action needs to be taken on this and the broader nature challenge. The Project Data Analytics Task Force is launching an initiative to prompt and inform project and data professionals on the actions they can take in relation to carbon (as a proxy for climate change) and how they can influence others and contribute their expertise and energy.

Join Jo Jolly & Donnie MacNicol to hear WHY this is critical and WHAT is being launched in advance of COP26. The predicted impacts of Climate Change over the next 30 years are catastrophic.

In our working lifetimes, we have the last remaining opportunity of any generation to make a difference. The good news is, we can. And the sooner we act, the bigger the difference we will make.

The most successful organisations will get ahead of that trend and be prepared to demonstrate case studies to raise the bar across industry. This is a systemic problem, and it needs a systemic solution.

Use of the UN Sustainable Development Goals could help, as a framework by which we optimise every decision we make, and measure our success.

That the environment is not something we think about as a separate item, or an obligatory ‘add-on’. It is inherent in every decision we make – to maximise the benefit for the environment and people, and to minimise the detrimental impact.

For project professionals we believe that the biggest untapped potential to contribute to the climate and nature emergencies is through effective data analytics driving out ‘waste’ in every aspect of decision making in project delivery. But there are human and commercial barriers to this.

The Project Data Analytics Taskforce has chosen to start by raising awareness amongst project and data professionals of the challenge at the foundation of the profession where there is the greatest opportunity to make change happen.

To achieve this we have developed the Carbon Self-Evaluation tool. Using carbon as a proxy for climate change action, the self-evaluation helps individuals to benchmark themselves against their peers in their own and other sectors.

The tool encourages action to be taken from the bottom up while providing data that will challenge the effectiveness of top-down strategies and policies. Suggestions will be made as to what action individuals can take and also share good practice and identify where help and support are needed.

By taking part, individuals will also help to shine a light on how we are doing as a collective. We aim to take these insights to COP26.

We do have a choice about what we do now. As a project delivery community don’t underestimate our immense collective power, and our moral duty to act. Please, choose wisely.


Jo Jolly (LinkedIn profile) Deputy Director in the Environment Agency & leads Bespoke & Emerging Projects team. She understands the vast potential of project data analytics and the need to move beyond incremental improvements in project delivery. Jo believes we all need to take urgent action to tackle the nature and climate emergencies through collaboration and trust to promote the sharing of data on a scale we’ve never seen before. Jo is working hard to drive out waste in delivery and massively improve productivity.

Donnie MacNicol (LinkedIn profile) works across multiple sectors energising leaders and teams delivering complex change to maximise value and certainty of success through a focus on the human dimension. He acts as a catalyst to support organisation to improve their collaboration and capability – aspects that will be critical to meeting the NetZero target. He is keenly aware of the challenges faced and wants to use his experience, expertise and energy to make a difference.

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The Race To Net Zero:
Are You On Track With Your Projects?

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