
Live Webinar April 9th, 2019, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT
Activity Type: Education – Course or Training  1 Hour  1 PDU
Provider:  StickyMinds/Techwell

Roles in quality assurance (QA) and quality engineering (QE) tend to be ambiguous for agile teams pursuing the DevOps approach in their software development lifecycle. And misconceptions around these roles, automation, and which agile ceremonies make sense in DevOps only complicate the issue.

In this web seminar, Melissa Tondi will share her insights into how she consults with organizations—from startups to Fortune 100 companies—on ways QA and QE roles can add value to DevOps. She will discuss innovative ways to align agile and QA/QE activities to ensure a consistent, efficient, and productive playbook for DevOps.

Learn How To:

  1. Retune test automation to make DevOps more efficient
  2. Shift traditional QA and QE tasks left in the software development lifecycle
  3. Make refinement meetings more efficient for all members of the team
  4. Improve definitions around what is shippable and what is not

Presenter:  Melissa Tondi (LinkedIn profile) spent most of her career working with software testing teams. Founder of Denver Mobile and Quality (DMAQ), Past President & Board member of Software Quality Association of Denver (SQuAD), & professional services manager at Rainforest QA: she assisted companies to continuously improve the pursuit of quality software. Melissa has focused on building and organizing teams around three major tenets—”Efficiency, Innovation, &  Culture” using the greatest common denominator (GCD) approach for determining ways team members can assess, implement, and report on day-to-day activities.  In this way the gap between need & value is as small as possible.

Click to register for:
The QA/QE Role: Supporting DevOps The Smart Way

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Technical Project Management Leadership Strategic & Business Management

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